In 2018, Avrotros asked for help creating a tool for their loyalty program, Avrotros Klassiek Presenteert, a supportive platform for young and upcoming classical music talents. The concept resulted in 5.000 + new members, and the booklet is valued at 8.1 by readers.
Concept & Art direction
Editorial design
Production design
Small in size, big in impact
From consulting on strategy to design and art direction, I created an effective tool that attracts new members. The handout is valued at 8,1 by readers in 2021.

New identity
In 2020 Studio Dumbar gave the broadcasting brand AVROTROS a new identity. I redesigned the handout to meet the brand requirements.

Creative direction
Creative direction is always part of a project. I visualize a concept for each deliverable and select, book, and brief the creative crew. Every photoshoot is prepared in the smallest detail to reach the highest potential.

More info
Editor-in-Chief: Marjolein Lever
Publisher - Bindinc.
Anne-Claire de Breij
Imke Panhuijzen
Malou van Breevoort
Manon van der Zwaal
Martin Sweers
Ruud Baan
Tom ten Seldam
Alexandra Vilcov
Babette Tielrooij
Liselotte Admiraal
Luz David
Maartje van den Broek
Valérie Ntantu
Hair and make-up
Anita van Meerveld
Connie Man
Jitske Serne
Patricia van Heumen
Sarina Overbosch